Partnership Opportunities


HAF Partnership

After a successful HAF pilot engaging 12,000 young people aged 6-10, and 11-14 The Enterprise Academy are looking to increase impact and reach through partnerships.

The Enterprise Academy are looking for one national partner or multiple regional partners to support with its roll out. The partner/'s organisation would lead on regional applications, recruitment of young people and catering. Theme focuses include: Enterprise, STEM, innovation, creativity, movement and health. After the success of the programme we are looking for partner organisations.

Partnership (CSR/SVA)

The Enterprise Academy have a number of partnership opportunities available for organisations wanting to increase impact and reach while looking to meet their CSR /Sponsorship/ SVA commitments.

By supporting The Enterprise Academy, your organisation will be making a meaningful difference in the lives of young people across the UK. Your partnership will help us expand our reach, develop new programs, and provide more young people with the skills and resources they need to succeed.
